Sie können auf folgendes Konto spenden:
Kontoinhaber: Cuatro Patas Jumilla
Sie können auf folgendes Konto spenden:
Kontoinhaber: Cuatro Patas Jumilla
You can send us a donation to our account:
Another formula we offer is a Sponsor of the shelter pets.
Donations accepted by Pay Pal
Wir wissen es sehr zu schätzen, dass Sie sich dafür interessieren eine Patenschaft für einen Hund unseres Tierheimes zu übernehmen. Nachfolgend möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, wie man Pate werden kann.
We want to tell you that I really appreciate your interest in animals, for your visit and for wanting to sponsor one of our animals.
Below, we answer some of the frequently asked questions for those who have never sponsored a puppy / kitten and want to know what it is.
What is sponsoring a dog?
There are many people who would like to adopt a pet, but who for various reasons can not have it at home or can not devote the time and care necessary. Many other pets have already, but wanted to help somehow nearest unfilled home to hundreds of dogs and cats that have been abandoned in our hostel and wait for someone to give them a home.
The sponsorship is to choose the dog or cat shelter that you like, that you have a special affection inspired or you think you most need your help, and contribute to their care by a contribution of five dollars a month. The rest is up to you. You can ask for information on their evolution, photographs with their carers or companions, or you can go visit the shelter when you want to see how you are doing, spend time with him and give him a little love extra. You can also bring some tasty treats and games, and you can brush or take him out (provided your character and conditions permit and under the supervision of volunteers).
All our animals can be sponsored. To choose yours you can go to the shelter or look on our website (www.cuatropatasjumilla.com). If your godson is taken we will inform you of the happy news and when they so choose, you can change your godson or terminate sponsorship only to inform us at the contact email.
How many puppies / kittens I can sponsor?
All our animals can be sponsored. To choose yours you can go to the shelter or look on our website (www.cuatropatasjumilla.com). If your godson is taken we will inform you of the happy news and when they so choose, you can change your godson or terminate sponsorship only to inform us at the contact email.
How much does it cost to sponsor?
The sponsorship fee is five euros per month and is paid by bank collection by the protective quarterly, semiannual or annual.
How the money will be used to provide for my godson?
The money for their sponsorship contributions are intended to cover veterinary expenses and if you (hopefully not) asking you to a hospital due to illness or because they have been the victim of a fight, that money will also help us to pay for their care. If the godson does not need special treatment, the money goes to send dogs to Germany where they are adopted in a few days, as well as campaigns to sterilizations, other treatments for animals without a sponsor, and so on.
I can cancel the sponsorship??
At any time you can cancel the sponsorship contacting us by email at protectorajumilla@gmail.com. If your godson is taken, we will inform you that, if you wish, you can sponsor another.
If you need more information please write to the email of the association and we will respond as soon as possible.
«Es wird die Zeit kommen, da das Verbrechen am Tier genauso geahndet wird, wie das Verbrechen am Menschen»
Leonardo Da Vinci
Was ist zu beachten, wenn ich einen Hund adoptieren möchte? Vergessen Sie nie, dass das Tier welches Sie in ihrer Familie aufnehmen Sie jahrelang begleiten wird. Sie werden seine Bezugsperson und er ihr Freund, ein Leben lang. Das bedeutet, dass sie die Entscheidung ein Haustier aufzunehmen sehr gut überdenken sollten, da diese Bindung über Jahre bestehen wird. Ganz klar, ein Tier wird Ihnen sehr viele glückliche Momente schenken, aber es ist definitiv kein Geschenk, kein Spielzeug oder eine Laune, sondern eine Entscheidung fürs Leben.
Wenn Sie sich darüber im Klaren sind, dass sie ein Tier aufnehmen möchten, beraten wir Sie gern bezüglich Rasse, Alter und Charaktereigenschaften
How to Adopt
Before you take the decision reflect well on linking your animal’s life and for many years. You will be their chief, his caregiver and friend for the rest of his life. You should bear this in mind for all your plans in the coming years, most likely more than a decade. Links are generated exceptional moments and live very happy, but not everyone is prepared for such responsibility. So the first thing: think again. Not a toy.
When you’ve made the decision speaks to us about the type of animal you want (age, sex, nature …). We help and advise so that you know that dogs or cats can better adapt to what you want.
We will make a series of questions (in writing or by telephone) to learn more about yourself and the home you will give the dog or cat. After a volunteer will advise you and show you at all times as you can meet the new family member.
We are a non-profit NGO, against the sale of animals. So we ask the adopter is a help for vaccines, the chip, primer and other expenses of your pet. The contribution is at least 50 euros and 75 euros at most, depending on whether or not the pet transport.
Puedes hacer un donativo a través de la plataforma Teaming, tan sólo es 1 € al mes.
Otra de las fórmulas que te ofrecemos es Apadrinar a una de las mascotas del albergue.
Aceptamos Donativos por Pay Pal